Shout-out to NSA/Colorado: Thanks for hosting my workshop on Branding & Marketing Materials for Speakers and Solopreneurs

Posted by Patrice Rhoades-Baum


Patrice Rhoades-Baum presenting at NSA/Colorado event

Photo by M.Rothschild










Here’s a big THANK YOU to the Programming team of NSA/Colorado and the many participants who attended my “Deep Dive” session on October 17. Participants included professional speakers, corporate consultants, business coaches, and other solopreneurs and small business owners.

In this mini-workshop – “Your Marketing Materials: Up-level Your Marketing Tools so They Hit the Mark and Get You Hired” – we covered:

  • Why your clear brand and your specific Brand Elements™ are the foundation of your marketing tools
  • How to write benefit-rich content that compels your target audience to take action
  • The first step to start every marketing project: Clarify your objectives (this is your road map)
  • And several before-and-after case studies of websites that (now) sport a clear brand, impactful messaging, and professional design

If you’d like to learn more about these topics or your group is looking for a marketing speaker who specializes in branding and marketing for solopreneurs and small business, contact me at

“Patrice, you did a great job of stepping us through a lot of very good information in only 45 minutes. Thank you!” – Workshop participant


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