Edit Nonfiction Books
Your nonfiction book: Let’s make it great!
Are you writing a business book or other nonfiction book?
You might be asking: “What are the benefits of professional editing?” Let’s start by addressing this common question:
“What’s the difference between content editing and copyediting (aka proofreading)?”
While still fairly young in my writing/editing career, I had one of those “lightbulb moments.” I was thinking about the difference between these 2 approaches to editing manuscripts. Here’s what I realized:
- The copyeditor (or proofreader) looks at what IS there. In other words, this person will fix typos, correct grammar, and adjust the punctuation in your manuscript. He or she may offer a few helpful suggestions.
- The content editor looks at what IS there – and what is NOT there. For example, when you make a point in your manuscript, does it need more explanation to complete the thought? Or do some points get “lost in the weeds” with unnecessary detail? And this is important: Does a clear theme or takeaway message resonate throughout your manuscript? The content editor relentlessly pursues clarity, flow, and energy. Let’s keep the reader reading!
Do not overlook the content editing step.
Content editing takes a “diamond in the rough” manuscript and polishes it into a brilliant, sparkling-clear guide that ensures your readers will hear the ideas you want to share or learn the lessons you want to teach. And don’t worry, I won’t change your voice!
Rely on a powerhouse content editor. Let’s take your book to the next level!
I offer decades of experience as a professional writer/editor in a wide variety of business subjects including leadership, entrepreneurship, careers/employment, healthcare, high tech, insurance, manufacturing, nonprofit fundraising, and more.
A few select projects are highlighted below. CLICK HERE TO CONTACT ME to request a free quote and sample edit.
Your Practical, Essential Roadmap to Grow and Sustain Your Business
As Mike Cassidy moved from corporate CEO through his business startups, growth, and exits, he learned myriad hard-won strategies that would lead to becoming a successful entrepreneur. In this 400-page book (publishing in spring 2025), this highly experienced business expert puts forth a comprehensive, practical guide for aspiring entrepreneurs preparing to launch a new business venture as well as for leaders seeking to infuse an entrepreneurial mindset into their company by continuously launching new, successful products and services. The goal, says Mike, is to continuously grow and sustain your profitable business.
“Patrice, I could tell – right from the start – that you wanted my book to be GREAT. You took extra care at every step of the way to make sure this book would be a GREAT book!”
– Mike Cassidy, Successful Entrepreneur and Angel Investor
Leading Dramatic Change during Global Transformation
In this practical guide for corporate leaders, author Jeff Skipper steps through 12 proven strategies to ensure your major change initiatives succeed. An international change leadership consultant, Jeff leverages the pandemic as an unprecedented case study on leading disruptive change. It was the largest experiment ever witnessed in promoting instant behavior change, with people and organizations transforming faster than we thought possible. This 12-point change leadership case study offers unparalleled lessons in how to lead a significant change effort.
“Patrice, I really love what you do! Your additions often captured what needed to be said but had been missed – THANK YOU! Your edits were stellar. I am VERY pleased with the way everything reads and the level of quality. Thank you so much for taking my book to the next level!”
– Jeff Skipper, Jeff Skipper Consulting