Edit Nonfiction Books

Your nonfiction book: Let’s make it great!

Are you writing a business book or other nonfiction book?

You might be asking: “What are the benefits of professional editing?” Let’s start by addressing this common question:

“What’s the difference between content editing and copyediting (aka proofreading)?”

While still fairly young in my writing/editing career, I had one of those “lightbulb moments.” I was thinking about the difference between these 2 approaches to editing manuscripts. Here’s what I realized:

  • The copyeditor (or proofreader) looks at what IS there. In other words, this person will fix typos, correct grammar, and adjust the punctuation in your manuscript. He or she may offer a few helpful suggestions.
  • The content editor looks at what IS there – and what is NOT there. For example, when you make a point in your manuscript, does it need more explanation to complete the thought? Or do some points get “lost in the weeds” with unnecessary detail? And this is important: Does a clear theme or takeaway message resonate throughout your manuscript? The content editor relentlessly pursues clarity, flow, and energy. Let’s keep the reader reading!

Do not overlook the content editing step.
Content editing takes a “diamond in the rough” manuscript and polishes it into a brilliant, sparkling-clear guide that ensures your readers will hear the ideas you want to share or learn the lessons you want to teach. And don’t worry, I won’t change your voice!

Rely on a powerhouse content editor. Let’s take your book to the next level!
I offer decades of experience as a professional writer/editor in a wide variety of business subjects including leadership, entrepreneurship, careers/employment, healthcare, high tech, insurance, manufacturing, nonprofit fundraising, and more.

A few select projects are highlighted below. CLICK HERE TO CONTACT ME to request a free quote and sample edit.


The Profitable Entrepreneur:

Your Practical, Essential Roadmap to Grow and Sustain Your Business

As Mike Cassidy moved from corporate CEO through his business startups, growth, and exits, he learned myriad hard-won strategies that would lead to becoming a successful entrepreneur. In this 400-page book (publishing in spring 2025), this highly experienced business expert puts forth a comprehensive, practical guide for aspiring entrepreneurs preparing to launch a new business venture as well as for leaders seeking to infuse an entrepreneurial mindset into their company by continuously launching new, successful products and services. The goal, says Mike, is to continuously grow and sustain your profitable business.

“Patrice, I could tell – right from the start – that you wanted my book to be GREAT. You took extra care at every step of the way to make sure this book would be a GREAT book!”

Mike Cassidy, Successful Entrepreneur and Angel Investor


Dancing with Disruption bookDancing with Disruption:

Leading Dramatic Change during Global Transformation

In this practical guide for corporate leaders, author Jeff Skipper steps through 12 proven strategies to ensure your major change initiatives succeed. An international change leadership consultant, Jeff leverages the pandemic as an unprecedented case study on leading disruptive change. It was the largest experiment ever witnessed in promoting instant behavior change, with people and organizations transforming faster than we thought possible. This 12-point change leadership case study offers unparalleled lessons in how to lead a significant change effort.

“Patrice, I really love what you do! Your additions often captured what needed to be said but had been missed – THANK YOU! Your edits were stellar. I am VERY pleased with the way everything reads and the level of quality. Thank you so much for taking my book to the next level!”

Jeff Skipper, Jeff Skipper Consulting


High Risk, High Reward:

The Journey of an “Underdog Entrepreneur” Who Took Chances, Overcame Obstacles, and Built a $50 Million Business

High Risk High RewardI worked with this first-time author to edit his business memoir. In addition to cover-to-cover content editing, I teamed with the author and other service providers to brainstorm and choose the final title and select the cover art.

To enhance this business memoir, I encouraged the author to write nine substantive articles on beefy business topics. We interspersed these informative articles between chapters. This transformed a business memoir – a book that you would read once and then pass along to a colleague – into a robust reference guide. (Example articles included “How to conduct in-depth due diligence when buying a business” and “How to make technology work for you and your bottom line.”) In addition, I wrote the back-cover copy and carefully proofed the interior layout before the book was published.


The 7 Summits of Winning Teams:
Why Some Teams Make It to the Top

A captivating mix of adventure stories and leadership lessons!

Drawn from twenty years’ experience at Park City Teamworks (a team-building adventure company), author Judd Efinger delivers an insightful, must-read book on team building and leadership.

Under the stress of outdoor adventures, business teams reveal their true behavior. Adrenaline-fueled events shine a light on team strengths and weaknesses, offering lessons the team can take home to the office.

Judd’s observations help business leaders answer the critical question: Why do some teams make it to the top? His storytelling style weaves in useful insights that can help anyone become a better leader or team member – and be part of a high-performing team.


Lead Engaging Meetings:
A Practical Guide to Maximize Participation and Effectiveness

Lead Engaging MeetingsAuthor Jeff Shannon believes someone should put an end to boring meetings and, he says, (speaking to readers who are meeting facilitators and trainers) “that person is YOU.” This practical handbook offers step-by-step advice to transform boring meetings into engaging experiences that drive business results.

“Patrice, thank you for your keen eye and advice. I am so grateful for all your help making my book sound professional and authentic. You have a gift; thanks for sharing it with me. You are the first person I’m calling when I get my next book ready to go!”

– Jeff Shannon


Confessions of a Recovering Landlord:
12 Insider Secrets to Save Money on Your Commercial Lease

Real estate expert and podcast personality Bob Gibbons shares insider knowledge to put more power in the hands of tenants who rent commercial space.

Bob spent decades working for commercial landlords – extremely large companies that lease office and warehouse space. As a “recovering landlord,” Bob reveals twelve “confessions”: closely held secrets that landlords don’t want tenants to know.

Armed with this highly informative guide, businesses can save substantially on their commercial leases, month after month.


Your Hidden Advantage bookYour Hidden Advantage:
Unlock the Power to Attract Right-Fit Clients and Boost Your Revenue

Business advisor and pricing expert Patty Block empowers women to unlock their Hidden Advantage – their special ability that builds value in their business. Patty guides women business owners to turn up their power by shifting their mindset, attracting right-fit clients, and boosting their revenue to achieve a more profitable future. Following Patty’s practical advice, women discover how they can earn more with less stress and run their business their way – with more confidence, profit, and joy.

Soon after publication, Patty’s book soared to #1 New Release in FIVE Amazon categories and Bestseller status in THREE categories!

“Thank you so much, Patrice! I said it before and I’ll say it again: every time you touched my book, you made it better.”

– Patty Block


Simplify to Serve:
A Blueprint to Lead a Well-Run Nonprofit without Losing Your Sanity

Business coach and consultant Cindy Walters asks executive directors of nonprofits this key question: Is your nonprofit strong enough to withstand adversity?

Cindy knows that someday adversity will strike – no organization is immune. And she knows that smaller nonprofits can withstand nearly any hardship, but only if the executive director builds a solid agency.

Backed by decades as the CEO of several nonprofit organizations, Cindy guides executive directors to build capacity and strengthen systems. Following her practical advice, they can lead a solid, well-run organization that will withstand adversity.


It’s Your Career – It’s Your Choice:

A Step-by-Step Approach to Choosing the Right Career, then Landing the Right Position with the Right Company

Backed by decades of staffing and recruiting experience, authors Mark Brenner, MBA, SHRM and Mary Gomez share real-world strategies for the entire job-search process. In this practical how-to book, readers get expert guidance, insider tips, and advice on the latest technologies and tools to choose a career, find the right company, and find the perfect job for their passions and skills. Job seekers get step-by-step guidance and insider secrets to land their dream job!

“Patrice – Mark and I want to thank you so much for your incredible partnership, professional insight, and guidance during our book-publishing journey. We value your editing skills, your expertise, and your friendship. We are your biggest fans!”

– Mary Gomez, Author/Publisher, 5 Star Publishing Group


Self-help guide for business professionals

Creating Your Best You:

Lose the Overwhelm – Use this Step-by-Step Process to Gain Clarity and Live Your Happiest Life

A successful entrepreneur, Jos Giezeman drove clarity throughout his business but struggled to attain that same clarity in his personal life. Following a health scare, he developed a day-by-day method to connect his current activities to future goals. He refined these action steps in this self-help book written for business owners, leaders, and other professionals.

As editor, I teamed with Jos and his wife Kathy to ensure each step in the book is clear and compelling with engaging worksheets for readers to complete at every step. I also wrote the back-cover copy and gave significant input to Jos and Kathy to help them choose between two well-designed but very different cover designs. Prior to publication, I carefully proofed the interior layout.


Advanced strategies for nonprofits and global NGOs

Ken Phillips’ six-book Civil Society Series

Make a Better WorldKnown as a master of fundraising and organizational development, Ken Phillips has led and consulted with multimillion-dollar nonprofit organizations and NGOs around the world. He provides sage business advice, advanced strategies, and real-world case studies. Following his guidance, executive directors, board members, and fundraisers can lead their organizations to greater achievements, so they can have a greater impact.

A prolific author backed by decades of experience, Ken is working toward publishing a 6-book series: Civil Society Series. I am honored to have provided cover-to-cover content editing for the first 4 manuscripts in his series. I also wrote the back-cover copy and carefully proofed the interior layout before the books were published.

To date, Ken has published 4 books in his series, with 2 more coming soon. Several books are being translated into French, Romanian, Spanish, and Ukrainian.


Historical biography

Teresa James WAFS Pilot
Gear Up/Gear Down: A P-47 to Newark

Teresa James WAFS PilotAuthor Sarah Byrn Rickman presents an engaging biography of Teresa James who, as a young adult, learned to fly when aviation was still a new, wondrous, and dangerous venture. She developed exceptional flying skills as a fearless “barnstormer” stunt pilot – at a time when the vast majority of pilots were men. In the 1940s, when her country asked her to support the war effort, Teresa and other WAFS/WASP pilots stepped into brand-new roles. They took on daring jobs flying newly designed aircraft in incredibly challenging conditions to do their patriotic duty.

Sarah captured a truly inspiring story of a real person in a historically important time with painstaking attention to detail regarding Teresa James’ actual flights as a WAFS/WASP pilot, her personal experiences, and the many types of aircraft she flew as well as relevant World War II details. As editor, I helped to ensure fast-paced storytelling for this Young Adult book, checked facts, and added clarification where necessary for young readers. Prior to publication, I carefully proofed the interior layout.

I am honored to continue working with Sarah as her editor. We have teamed on 2 additional historical biographies: Jean Landis WASP Pilot: 2,500 Miles … Long Beach to Newark in a P-51 and Cornelia Fort WAFS Pilot: Her Life for Her Country.


Personal memoir

Rocks in My Backpack: Tales of a Veteran Scouter

Rocks in My BackpackWith wit and inspiration, Tom Sholes recounts his entry into Boy Scouting and his escapades as a youth during World War II. Later, as an adult Scout leader, he grew in skills and knowledge to eventually become a highly successful leader of youth. Unsatisfied with easy merit badges, Tom challenged his Scouts with rugged mountains, wild rivers, and unforgiving deserts.

A master storyteller, Tom recounts troop mishaps and adventures including braving fast-forming blizzards, leading an entire Troop to conquer mountain summits, and a day-long rescue of a young Scout from unyielding quicksand in a river! As content editor for Tom’s personal memoir, I ensured his stories kept a fast pace with momentum and tantalizing drama. Also, given the number of locations mentioned in his manuscript, I conducted quite a bit of fact-checking to ensure accuracy.


Ghostwriting a business book

To Sell or Not to Sell … Employer Retirement Plans:

The Financial Advisor’s Roadmap to a Successful Retirement Plans Practice

To Sell or Not to Sell... Employer Retirement PlansFor this project, I was the ghostwriter for The Hartford Insurance Company’s business book “written” by two first-time authors. The Hartford provided only the book’s title and table of contents. Therefore, I based 100% of the content for this full-length guidebook on interviews with the two authors.

The authors (and The Hartford) were thrilled with the streamlined process and the resulting manuscript, especially since I was able to meet a challenging deadline, which was aligned with a major promotional event for the company’s retirement plan product.


Writing a business book?

CLICK HERE to contact Patrice Rhoades-Baum to request a free quote and sample edit.


Here’s what one author said about teaming with Patrice Rhoades-Baum for content editing for his nonfiction business book:

“Writing a book is a daunting task. It takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to tell your story the way you want it to be told.  When I finished the initial first draft, I was pretty satisfied. But I quickly figured out that it just wasn’t good enough. Patrice and her colleagues transformed my story into a masterpiece. A brilliant editor, Patrice Rhoades-Baum took my words and was able to convert my manuscript into a real business book treasure.”

– Steve Scher, Chief Executive Officer, Acrobat Advisors