How to repurpose content: Follow 2 easy steps

Posted by Patrice Rhoades-Baum


When it’s time to write a blog post, do you search for fresh ideas — but nothing comes to mind? Here’s how to repurpose content.

If you come up empty-handed, the solution might be at your fingertips. Instead of spending time writing entirely new copy, you can breathe fresh life into EXISTING content — your articles, blog posts, webinar transcripts, book chapters, and worksheets. It’s easy to repurpose your existing content.

Repurposing and “recycling” older articles is perfectly fine — as long as the topics are evergreen (still relevant).

It surprises me when my clients express reluctance to repurpose content they wrote years ago, for example, older case studies or blog articles. If the topic is evergreen, the content may need just a bit of editing — a tweak here, a twist there — to be updated.

Perhaps it’s my South Dakota roots, but whenever I write about the topic of how to repurpose content, the word FODDER leaps to mind.

One definition of fodder is “coarse food for livestock.” Ok, that definition does not apply! But this one does: “raw material.”

When you think about repurposing your existing content, think about the "fodder" at your fingertips!

When you think about repurposing your existing content, think about the “fodder” at your fingertips!


Here’s why I like the word FODDER …

Early in my corporate marketing career, I figured out how to repurpose content. I had to — it was a matter of survival!

On any given day, I faced deadlines related to marketing brochures, direct mail, public relations, white papers, case studies, tradeshows, sales presentations, websites, online newsletters, and advertising.


Since I was juggling so many projects at once, I mastered the art of leveraging and repurposing content to save time and meet deadlines.

Long ago, I began looking at the copy I wrote as much more than one-off content. Instead, I viewed everything I wrote as potential fodder for a future project. Today this skill comes naturally for me.

Are you a solopreneur (professional speaker, marketing consultant, business coach, life coach)? Or do you own a different type of business? Or do you wear the marketing hat for a larger company? If so, there’s a good chance you write a lot of unique content. This means there’s a good chance you have plenty of FODDER at your fingertips!


Follow 2 easy steps to “recycle” and repurpose  content.

Step 1: Use this checklist to identify ALL the places your written content exists.

  • Marketing tools: Website, speaker one-sheets, brochures, sales sheets, and compiled testimonials
  • PowerPoint or Keynote presentations and transcripts for keynotes, videos, webinars, and podcasts
  • Handouts, worksheets, tip sheets, and checklists
  • Social media posts and lists of discussion topics
  • Published articles, case studies, and white papers
  • Blog articles
  • Email newsletters
  • Opt-in box giveaway item (aka lead magnet, opt-in bribe, or freemium)
  • Your books
  • Your information products
  • Other: __________________________________

Step 2: Take a fresh look at how you can repurpose your existing content — the fodder at your fingertips!

Let’s brainstorm a bit to spur some ideas. Take a minute to think broadly about the content you have written, per the above list. How can you “recycle” and repurpose your existing content?

Here’s an example: You could repurpose a webinar transcript into:

  • Blog article or article series
  • Guest blog article
  • Email newsletter article
  • Article to be published in a trade magazine (printed or online)
  • Chapter for your next book
  • Information product
  • Opt-in box giveaway item, perhaps distilled into a worksheet or tip sheet
  • Raid tidbits and share daily tips on Facebook and other social media sites

Instead of spending time writing entirely new articles, you can repurpose content by breathing fresh life into your existing, evergreen copy. 

I’ve been transforming “fodder” — already written content — into polished, vibrant, relevant copy for decades. I’m happy to help YOU transform your transcripts, blog posts, email newsletter articles, presentations, video scripts, handouts, worksheets, and other existing copy into NEW and UP-TO-DATE content.

Do you need fresh ideas and a bit of guidance?

If you need writing or editing support to repurpose your existing content, call me at 719-685-1108 or pop an email to Remember, I offer a free, 30-minute consultation.



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