Nail your brand. Get clear. Get moving. Feed your family.

Posted by Patrice Rhoades-Baum
Patrice presents at NSA Convention in Philadelphia, 2013

Patrice presents at NSA Convention in Philadelphia, 2013


At this year’s NSA Convention in Philadelphia, one theme truly resonated: As business owners, we need to get energized, get clear, and get moving to take our business to the next level.

In fact, I stressed this point in my “Nail Your Brand” presentation at the NSA Convention: “Clarify your brand, and get your business moving forward. You have a family to feed.”

I didn’t rehearse this phrase; I say it naturally, because I thoroughly believe it.

Remarkably, the presenter who stepped onto the stage immediately after me emphasized this exact point as well! He spoke on marketing activities that get speakers booked. He underscored that you need to focus on what works, adding: You have a family to feed.

Whether it’s clarifying your brand, updating or revamping your website, polishing your speaker one-sheet, identifying specific marketing strategies to pursue, or other activities for your small business, it always comes down to this:

Gain clarity. Move forward. Feed your family. 

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I believe when you clarify your brand, you build the foundation — or launchpad! — to create a strategic website and marketing toolkit. Armed with this hardworking toolkit, you can implement key promotion/outreach strategies. You can literally REACH OUT to your ideal clients.

You will move forward, grow your business, and feed your family.


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