Hear my interview with “Business Innovators” magazine

Posted by Patrice Rhoades-Baum

Microphone with orange bkgd-small


I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Business Innovators magazine.

Our discussion topics included:

  • Why branding is challenging, particularly for solopreneurs (professional speakers, business coaches, life coaches, authors). Spoiler alert: Gaining objectivity and perspective on your business – and the unique value you add – can be quite challenging!
  • Why it’s important to clarify your brand. Spoiler alert: I believe a clear brand is rocket fuel for your business – your clear brand quickly communicates Who you are, What you do, and What they get (the benefits and results your clients receive).
  • The fast-‘n’-efficient Nail Your Brand™ process I have created, which guides solopreneurs and small business owners to quickly clarify their brand.
  • The Brand Elements™  I’ve identified, and how these are used to create an on-target, clear, and consistent marketing toolkit including your websites, speaker one-sheet, business card, and social media profiles. Spoiler alert: Some of the Brand Elements™ include your name (with credentials), title, tagline (aka promise statement), and logo. For solopreneurs, your photo is also an important Brand Element™, since you ARE your brand!

Click to hear my 20-minute interview. 


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