It’s a new year. Time for a new mindset!

Posted by Patrice Rhoades-Baum





For 5 years, the Great Recession tightened its grip on our household. We hunkered down, often saying “The wolves are at the door.”

This year, Mike and I decided we needed to change our attitude. And we needed to hit the DELETE key on that wolves phrase.

What would be a good replacement phrase? Something suggesting a positive image?

Joking, Mike suggested: “A basket full of puppies.” 

I loved it!  It suggests playfulness, joy, and an optimistic future full of growth and opportunity.

This year, instead of bolting the door against “wolves,” we are metaphorically swinging the door open to a basket full of happy puppies!

Is it time to shift YOUR mindset?

What image or metaphor represents growth, joy, and opportunity for you and your business?


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