Your speaker one-sheet: Does the content directly support your biz goals?

Posted by Patrice Rhoades-Baum


A client emailed a question regarding a new speaker one-sheet we will create together. Her simple question spurred a surprisingly strategic discussion!

Her question:

“Would it be appropriate to have just one talk on my speaker one-sheet, instead of both my topics? I ask because I prefer to get hired to do one talk more than the other. Here is my concern: If we list both topics, people may not choose the topic I really enjoy talking about.”

My response:

“Presenting just one talk or topic on a speaker one-sheet is perfectly appropriate. In fact, many professional speakers, especially keynoters, have ONLY one talk, and customize as needed for the group.

“Another option is dedicating most of the content to the one topic: title + paragraph + list of take-aways. Then you could also list a few related topics you can incorporate into your main talk. This gives meeting planners something of a buffet option – it invites them to think about what best meets their group’s needs.”

“These content-related questions and decisions are all driven by your business strategy. As long as you are clear about what you want – and the benefits your audience members receive – then the content for your speaker one-sheet will follow suit.”

Her reply:

“Thank you, this helps immensely! It’s good to know this approach is ok because, from a strategic perspective, I want to be known for this one talk.”

The bottom line: Content is always driven by strategy

The content on your one-sheet, website, and other marketing tools must align with your business goals. That’s why it’s critical to get clear about your business goals and your brand. This will ensure your on-target content – which should be consistent throughout your marketing toolkit – will help to grow your business in the exact direction you want it to grow.



John Hall speaker one-sheet-small


France Rios speaker one-sheet-small










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